Our work

Thematic Programs

To deliver on our mission, FIRDs’ programming contributes to the empowerment of communities, households, individuals and groups that are subject to discrimination and other forms of human rights abuse and violations, challenge inequality and take action to respect, protect and defend human rights of the most vulnerable in Uganda


Human Rights & Good Governance

FIRD builds the capacity of grassroot community human rights educators with practical skills and tools to improve the effectiveness and impact of our human rights work.

Program pillars
• Prevention of Gender based violence against women, children and girls.
• Grassroots democracy and civic participation
• Transitional Justice
• Human rights education
• Peace building.
• Gender Based violence
• Human trafficking and Modern-Day slavery.


Economic Empowerment & Agricultural Sustainable Livelihood

We empower rural communities with efficient agricultural models. The Livelihoods funds promotes farming practices that can increase food production while preserving our natural resources. We build resilient communities and ecosystems through empowering smallholder farmers and rural communities with sustainable land practices for improved food security and income.

Program pillars
• Skilling farmers with modern farming techniques
• Agribusiness and value addition in bee keeping and sheanut
• Empowerment and Livelihood for Adolescents
• Promotion of environmental risk reduction in Uganda. FIRD empowers women and girls leaders who are currently engaging in grassroot advocacy for climate justice to protect our indigenous trees and also protection of women and girls land rights in Lango sub region
• Vocational skilling and entrepnrership for youth ,girls and women
• Village saving Loans Associations ( VSLA)



Support youth and communities to access health care services for improved health outcomes.

Program pillars
• Sexual & Reproductive Health and Rights Education
• HIV /AIDS prevention , care and support
• Water, sanitation and hygiene
• Nutrition Program
• UHC advocacy



The first step to transforming the future is transforming education. We do this through our School Development Program, a holistic, innovative, and people-focused approach to sustainable change. We believe that every stakeholder including leaders, teachers, and parents have their own unique role they play in supporting the education sector   and we have seen remarkable things happen when parents and caring adults are the center for change in every child’s life.

FIRD works in schools to create safe learning environments for children, support girls with education scholarship for their access to education, support schools with books for literacy and numeracy skills enhancement and empowers teachers with skills to enhance their teaching skills for improved education outcomes.

Program Pillars
• Early Childhood Development ( ECD program ) – Play based learning
• Literacy and reading – FIRD school clubs
• VAC prevention –Good School Toolkit
• Parent/Guardian & Teacher Engagement
• Community Mobile Library


Water, Hygiene & Sanitation

Under the WASH program, FIRD engages with the community, young people to ensure that they have the best possible hygiene practices.
Empowers the community to monitor the water sources to ensure access to safe drinking water in under-served communities and promotes community-based hand washing through community out reaches and campaigns.
Our interventions have helped communities to eliminate harmful practices of open defecation and promotion of clean homesteads and communities.

Program pillars
• Menstrual Hygiene Management training.
• Re-usable sanitary pads making training.
• Boreholes and community well construction.


Environmental Conservation & Protection

FIRD works with the Community to strengthen the practice of preserving the natural environment to prevent it from collapsing as a result of human activities, such as unsustainable agriculture, deforestation and use of non-energy savings fuel like charcoal burning.
Environmental conservation has become one of FIRD’s core issues that need to be addressed to battle climate change and global warming and save mother earth and our natural Resources.

Program pillars
• Agroforestry
• Climate Justice
• Movement building
• Protection of women’s Land rights and Natural Resources